Monday, January 14, 2008

Curious Perversions in Usability

We've all seen them, and we've all used them: applications foisted upon us by the well-meaning management masses who wanted us to conform to the standard in order to boost our productivity, or the latest whiz-bang website promising to revolutionize its niche market. While the product itself might actually solve a unique problem, or offer a plethora of enticing, well designed features under the hood, its user interface frustrates, confuses, obscures, and clutters.

When it comes to user interfaces, drill this one simple idea into your mind: Simple, clean interfaces will win out over flash, pomp and circumstance every single time. Why? Because a user interface should get out of a user's way, it should not impede them, confuse them, obscure the information they need to find, or be cluttered with crap they're really not interested in.

We all have different views about what makes any given piece of software more usable. But certain things tend to peeve users fairly consistently. These tend to be mine when it comes to Web pages:

  • Don't make me wait. Don't make the mistake of thinking that performance isn't a part of your user interface. There are always numerous ways to display the same piece of information, and some are faster than others. Given a choice between having to wait for a Flash or PDF download of a pretty picture, or a flat GIF/JPEG, which do you think most users would prefer? (And if you think Flash hasn't been proposed for this, think again.) Use the smallest, most compact presentation format that will get the job done right.
  • Don't make me scroll. Especially not horizontally. Smaller pages work better. Horizontally scrolling pages are counter-intuitive, and people tend to have a hard time shifting into a mode where they're comfortable scrolling in that direction. Sometimes, you simply can't get around it, and that's the exception rather than the rule. In those cases, under no circumstances should you move the main navigational controls off the screen. In Web applications, embed the scrolling content in scrolling DIVs (or other suitable controls) to ensure that users can still reach your navigational controls without having to page through the document.
  • Don't make me squint. Use a reasonable font size that even the visually impaired can comfortably read. Better yet, use a font size that scales when the user chooses a different size in the browser. Don't force your font size on the user, simply because not everyone has 20/20 vision.
  • Don't make me guess what language you've written that document in. Use a clear, legible, font. You may like your decorative fonts, but they're not suitable for body text, forms, or general deployment on Web pages. Most users won't have them, and they won't look the same. Use standard fonts.
  • Don't make me wonder if there's something written in any area of the page or screen. Don't use dark text on a dark background. Don't use light text on a light background. Strong contrast enhances legibility.
  • Don't hide important information from me. Place important information at eye level. Use font weights, color, and styles to emphasize important information. Place this information prominently on the page, where I can easily see it. Don't obscure it in the page.
  • Don't hyperlink everything on the page. A hyperlink should indicate that there's something worth investigating. If everything on the page is hyperlinked, the hyperlink loses its value, and I'll tend to ignore them. Hyperlink the important topics. If you need to hyperlink lots of topics, provide a section at the bottom of the page called See Also or References and include those links there.
  • Don't obscure or complicate hyperlinks. If you change the style of a hyperlink so that I don't know it's a hyperlink, I won't know what to look for. Don't overly complicate them. Hyperlinks are an established navigational paradigm for the Web (and even desktop software) and everyone knows what they are and how they work. Leave them alone. Users already know how to use them.
  • Don't make me jump through hoops to find the commands or features I need to use. Don't invent an entirely new way of navigating your web site or application. There are a number of existing navigational paradigms that are well established and with which users are very familiar: drop down menus, tree views, bread crumbs, tabs and commands, and so forth. Don't confuse users by making them learn something completely new.
  • Don't surprise me by reconfiguring the user interface when I do something. If I click a button or a menu command and the entire user interface changes, or entire menus disappear, we've got a problem. The user interface, and the navigational system in particular, needs to be consistent and predictable. If it's not, users will be playing a constant guessing game about what they can and should do next. Users playing a guessing game are dangerous users.
  • Don't baffle me with technical jargon or confusing messages.  When something goes wrong, or when I've done something wrong, communicate it clearly and concisely. Tell me what I can do about it. Recover gracefully. Don't just throw up some message box that announces "An error occurred. Press OK to continue." Duh. What should I do next? Should I tell someone? If so, whom? Is my data safe? Do I need to start over?
  • Use consistent language. Don't call it Cancel on one screen and Abort on another. Don't use Logon Name on one screen and Sign In on another. Be consistent. Establish a vocabulary and stick to it.
  • Don't waste my time prompting me in an intrusive way to take part in your survey. I'm not interested in taking part in your survey. Put the offer to take part in a prominent place in your site or program that isn't intrusive. If I'm interested, I'll take you up on the offer. Otherwise, I'm going to close the DIV because you were rude enough to cover up the content that I was looking for with your intrusive popup. The same goes for popup ads. (But we all know how well that's going to go over.)
  • Don't play sound or streaming video as soon as the page loads. If I want to see it, I'll start it myself. You're chewing up my bandwidth, thank you very much. If I'm from an area where that's a precious commodity, that's the height of rudeness. Give me the opportunity to start the sound or video when I want to and if I choose to do so. This includes all forms of linked and embedded media, including Flash.
  • Don't order me to get a better browser. You don't know what browser is best for me. I may like FireFox, IE, Safari, Opera, Navigator, or some as yet unnamed browser still emerging. You may be able to say that your site doesn't support browsers outside a certain set, but it is gauche to insist that your browser of choice is the one and only true browser, whichever browser that may be. Competition is actually good for the industry.
  • Don't assume that my monitor is as big as your monitor. Just because your company has a standard video configuration that supports 1024×768 doesn't mean that's what your users are configured for. A vast amount of users are still set at 800×600. This resolution isn't a matter of laziness, but of simple visual acuity: they can't see anything if it's at a higher resolution. Design for 800×600. Ensure your pages fit on a monitor at that resolution. Doing so means users don't have to scroll horizontally. It also means that your pages will print properly if the user hits the Print button from the browser and is printing in landscape mode.

Yes, this is surely opinionated. Yes, I'm sure I'll take heat for it. But here's where I'm coming from: I've both used lots of Web sites, and I've had to design lots of Web pages for The Average Computer User(tm). For those users, all of these things have turned out to be true. Ask yourself why Google's search engine is insanely popular. It's not just that their search engine covers the vast majority of the Internet; most people don't know how to effectively use the search engine to get the results they really want. It's because their search page is so simple that it's almost pristine. It's foolproof. Type what you want in the box and click Search. The results pages come up and show you what matches your search criteria. It's simplicity defined.

Apple's computers have always been lauded as a breathtaking departure from the technical complexity inherent in Windows. Their user interfaces are simple, clean, and easy to use. They're the hallmark of Apple's software. One could argue that the simplicity of Apple's user interfaces is what defines them more than their hardware. Again, simplicity prevails, because the user interface gets out of the user's way, and lets the user get her job done.

This is what we should be striving for. Design a Web page that is simple, clean, and gets out of the user's way. Don't confuse them. Be predictable in the way you behave. Be forthright and clear in the way you communicate. Use strong contrasting colors, legible fonts and sizes, don't reinvent the Web navigation paradigm, keep the navigation system where users can reach it, and avoid technologies that will degrade the user's experience.

A Web site can do all that and still be beautiful. CSS allows us to do that. There's no reason you can't be clean, predictable, communicative, unobtrusive, and beautiful all at the same time. You just have to choose to do so. And you have to put your users' needs above your own desire to use the latest flashy, slow, whiz-bang technologies that don't really get you anything more than older, stable, less impressive technologies that accomplish the same thing.

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