Monday, July 23, 2007

A Terser Visual Basic?

There’s a rather interesting post going on at Panopticon Central right now, dealing with the terseness of Visual Basic.NET. In a rather obtuse attempt at reducing the “terseness” of the language, Paul Vick hacks a VB.NET compiler to coerce all the keywords to lowercase. While it’s a nice look, it doesn’t solve the common complaint that Visual Basic is inherently verbose.

Visual Basic’s verbosity problem likely stems from the fact that we VB developers commonly have to tell the compiler lots of things that it already knows or should be able to tell from the syntax. To see what I’m talking about, let’s take a piece of the original NValidator code that was written in VB and see what it looks like:

Namespace Validation

Public Class ConnectionValidator
Inherits ParameterValidatorBase

Friend Sub New(ByVal connection As IDbConnection, ByVal name As String)
MyBase.New(connection, name)
End Sub

Public Function
IsClosed() As ConnectionValidator
If Not Connection Is Nothing Then
If (Connection.State And ConnectionState.Closed) = 0 Then
Throw New ArgumentException("Operation requires a closed connection.", Name)
End If
End If
Return Me
End Function

Private ReadOnly Property
Connection() As IDbConnection
Return DirectCast
(InnerValue, IDbConnection)
End Get
End Property

End Class

End Namespace

Now, it bears noting that every blue word in there is a keyword. That's a lot of keywords. So yes. Visual Basic is verbose. I suspect that the Visual part of Visual Basic has ceased to be "visual" as in "visual design" and has somehow become "visual keywords." But I digress.

First, lets give Paul the benefit of a doubt. Let’s see what it looks like with everything converted to lower case.

namespace Validation

public class ConnectionValidator
inherits ParameterValidatorBase

friend sub New(ByVal connection as IDbConnection, byval name as string)
mybase.New(connection, name)
end sub

public function
IsClosed() as ConnectionValidator
if not Connection is nothing then
if (Connection.State and ConnectionState.Closed) = 0 then
throw new ArgumentException("Operation requires a closed connection.", Name)
end if
end if
return me
end function

private readonly property
Connection() as IDbConnection
return directcast
(InnerValue, IDbConnection)
end Get
end property

end class

end namespace

Well, it does look a lot more like C#. And yes, the lower case does help to reduce the visual WHAM! of the keyword volume. But it’s the same number of words, so we haven’t addressed the terseness. To address the terseness, you actually have to reduce the number of words. So how do we do that? You get rid of the words that aren’t actually doing you any good.

First and foremost, get rid of all the words that accompany the End keyword. They’re superfluous. With proper indentation, that’s pretty obvious. So in this case, that’s End Namespace, End Sub, End Property, End If, End Function, and End Get. Believe me, if the End doesn’t have a corresponding block statement, the compiler will let you know.

Next comes the As keyword. Let’s accept the fact that identifiers can’t have spaces in them. Therefore, anything that follows an identifier in a variable, property, or method declaration must, by definition, be a data type. The As keyword isn’t getting us anywhere. Drop it.

The Then keyword on If blocks is equally useless. It needs to go.

The Sub, Function, and Property keywords are completely useless. They’re used to tell the reader whether or not a method returns a type. They certainly don’t do anything for the compiler: the compiler gleans this information from the method’s signature (it’s arguments and return type). If the method has a getter and a setter, it’s a property. So these could be removed as well.

Finally, the ReadOnly keyword is useless on our property, since it doesn’t have a setter on it. So let’s get rid of that, too.

Okay, I think that’s enough for now. We’re off to a good start. What does the fruit of our labor look like?

namespace Validation 

public class ConnectionValidator
inherits ParameterValidatorBase

friend new(byval connection IDbConnection, byVal name string)
mybase.New(connection, name)

public IsClosed() ConnectionValidator
if not Connection is nothing
if (Connection.State and ConnectionState.Closed) = 0
throw new ArgumentException("Operation requires a closed connection.", Name)
return me

private Connection() IDbConnection
return directcast(InnerValue, IDbConnection)



So there you go. Now you’ve addressed the problem of the verbosity. But the result doesn’t really look all that much like Visual Basic anymore. It’s almost a different language.

You could likely get around all this by making all the keywords we removed optional, but what’s the point? A large body of the folks who use Visual Basic have an ardent devotion to keeping the language just as it is; messing with it in any way runs the risk of stirring their ire and starting a war of religious proportions. Then you have to consider the problems that arise from one developer who uses the keywords, and one who doesn’t, and both of them working on the same code base.

And what happens when those old keywords become the goto of the 21st century?

Just leave it alone. If you want a terser version of Visual Basic, then make a new language. Personally, I’d love to be able to make the keywords lowercase, and not have to pamper the compiler any more than I have to. But I’d rather not waste any more time than I have to debating what’s sure to become a religious war when people realize what’s really involved in addressing the terseness of Visual Basic.

It’s not about the case of the characters. It’s about eliminating the keywords that don’t help the compiler or the developer. And the end result of that effort is a radically different language.


Anonymous said...

You've got 'terseness' wrong way around.

Also, I don't personally know an BASIC/VB types who are wedded to the keywords. Every one I know thought that the way the language works was important, like using booleans as numerics in expressions, and freefile to get a file handle, and that the way it is used was important, like case insensitivity and interpretative feedback, but not the way the words are spelled.

Getting the keywords right is a problem for languages where the keywords are obscure, and where you don't have interpretative feedback.

Remember that people got used to typing 'end sub' and 'end function' without any joy or any comment: I think that they could go back to the old form without any tears.

Anonymous said...

It is said Meta tags are important but how keywords are used is much more important. Keywords are a very important part of site optimization. They can be used in different ways. They can be included in the title, descriptions, text, alt text, images, folders can be named, titles of articles, anchor text while linking to other blogs etc. Keywords are still very important as they help us to identify what the entire website is all about. They should be properly scattered in the text keeping in mind the text to keyword ratio, keyword prominence, density, relativeness and position. Optimize pages with single or two or three keywords they will yield greater results.