It’s been a long time since I worked on the code for NValidate, but in a fit of creative zeal I decided to dust it off and take a look at it.
As one of the posters on the old NValidate forums pointed out, it was full of duplicate code. Granted, that was a conscious design choice at the time: it was written well before generics came out, and performance was a key consideration. I didn’t want a lot of boxing and unboxing going on, and since a lot of the tests dealt with value types, the only way I could see to get that stuff done was to duplicate the test code for specific types.
Well, time marches on and languages advance. .NET 2.0 came out, and along with it came generics. I figured that they would provide a fantastic way for me to eliminate a lot of the duplicate code. I mean, it would be awesome if we could just write a single validator class for all the numeric data types and be done with it. And that’s where I hit the Infamous Brick Wall&tm;.
It turns out that generics and ValueType objects do not play well together. At all. Consider the following piece of code:
public class IntegralValidatr<T> where T : ValueType
This, as it turns out, is forbidden. For some reason, the compiler treats ValueType as a “special class” that cannot be used as the constraint for a generic class. Fascinating. The end result is that you cannot create a generic class that requires that its parameters are derived from ValueType. You know: Boolean, Byte, Char, DateTime, Decimal, Double, Int, SByte, Short, Single, UInt, and ULong. Types you might actually want to work with on a daily basis, for all kinds of reasons.
The workaround, they say, is to specify struct. The problem is that struct is a pretty loose constraint. Lots of things are structs but aren't necessarily the types you want. I assume that's why they call it a workaround and not a solution.
So, anyway, here I am with a basic class definition. I can at least admit to myself that I can build the class outline as follows:
public class IntegralValidator<T> where T : struct
public T ActualValue { get; internal set; }
public string Name { get; internal set; }
public IntegralValidator (string name, T actualValue)
this.Name = name;
this.ActualValue = actualValue;
But now it’s time to create a test. The problem is determining how to perform basic comparisons between value types when you can’t seem to get to the value types now that they’ve been genericized. Understand that NValidate needs to be able to do the following with numeric values:
- Compare two values for equality and inequality
- Compare a value to a range, and fail if it falls outside that range
- Compare a value to zero, and fail if it isn’t zero
- Compare a value to zero, and fail if it is zero.
- Compare a value to the Max value for its type, and fail if it is or isn’t equal to that value.
- Compare a value to the Min value for its type, and fail if it is or isn’t equal to that value.
- Compare a value to a second value, and fail if it is less than than the second value.
- Compare a value to a second value and fail if it is greater than the second value.
You get the picture.
The problem I’m experiencing is that it’s become clear to me that it’s really very difficult to convert a genericized value type back to its original value type. Consider the following code:
private byte ToByte(){
if (ActualValue is byte>)
// The as operator must be used with a reference type or
// nullable type ('byte' is a non-nullable value type)
return ActualValue as byte;
if (ActualValue is byte)
// Cannot convert type 'T' to 'byte'
return byte ActualValue;
So, if neither of these approaches works, how do I get to the original values? Generics appear to demand an actual object, which would, in turn, demand boxing and unboxing of value types (which I’m staunchly opposed to for performance reasons).
So, we go back to the drawing board, and eventually we discover that you can, in fact, get to the type through a bit of trickery with the System.Convert class:
private byte ToByte() {
if (ActualValue is byte)
// The as operator must be used with a reference type or
// nullable type ('byte' is a non-nullable value type)
return Convert.ChangeType(ActualValue, TypeCode.Byte);
Well, the problem I’m faced with now, upon careful reflection is this: If I’m drilling down to the original data type, I’m kind of defeating the whole point of generics in the first place. And that brings us to the whole point of this article.
I should be able to write a line of code like this:
Demand.That(x).IsNonZero().IsBetween(-45, 45);
And that code should be handled by generics that correctly infer the type of x and select the right code to execute, but I can’t. And the reason I can’t is because (1) you can’t use ValueType as a constraint for generics and (2) there is no common interface for numeric types in the BCL.
This is an egregious oversight in the Framework. Worse, it’s been an outstanding complaint on Microsoft Connect since 2004. Through multiple iterations of the Framework, despite numerous postings on the site and clamorings for the oversight to be corrected, Microsoft has yet to do anything about it. For some reason, they seem to think it’s less important than things like Office Integration, UI overhauls, destroying the usability of online help, and making Web services as difficult and unpredictable to use as possible.
It baffles me that Microsoft’s own responses to the issue have been questions like “How would you use this functionality?” Are they kidding me? There are so many uses for this it’s not even funny.
- What happens when you have an array or list of heterogenous numeric types and need to work with them in some meaningful way using a generic (possibly a delegate)?
- What happens when you want to write a program that converts 16-bit data to 32-bit data, or floating point data to Long data, or work with both at the same time using a common algorithm?
- What happens when you need to work with graphics algorithms common to photo processing software?
- What happens when you need to work with the many different types of value types and convert them back and forth quickly and efficiently as you would in, say, an online game?
- Or, as in my case, what happens when you’re writing a reusable framework for validation and boxing and unboxing are simply not an option, and a generic solution would handily solve the problem, but you can’t because there’s no common interface – no One Ring that binds them all together?
It’s about time this issue was resolved. And this isn’t something the open source community can fix. This is something Microsoft has to fix, in the BCL, for the good of all humanity. Six years is far too long to leave something this painfully obvious outstanding.
1 comment:
I cannot find NValidate. Even google cannot find it. Where can i get it?
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