Thursday, June 7, 2007

Out with the old, in with the new...

So this is it. I finally bit the bullet and decided I had had it with MySpace. That site just annoys the hell out of me.

I decided I wanted a personal blog. One that I could reach easily and use to keep in touch with my friends, keeping them up to date on the goings-on in my personal life, and rant about politics, religion, the massive gay agenda, and other unimportant things. So I made a MySpace page, and started blogging there.

For a while, it was nice. I like to have the freedom to blog spontaneously. A thought will hit me and I like to just fire it up and pour out my thoughts on a moment's notice. So it was very convenient.

But I've got to say, that place is nothing more than a cyber bathhouse. The amount of soft-porn spam I receive each week is ridiculous. "Hi! My name is Candy/Cindy/Trevor/Rick/Guadeloupe and you look hot! They won't let me show my real pictures here because they don't let you show nudes, but you can check them out on this site here...."

Oh my frickin' God, people. Give it a rest.

That place just skeeves me out these days. So I got fed up with it.

Then it occurred to me that I maintain a tech blog on Blogger (see The Essential Geek), and I update it constantly using Windows Live Writer, a very nifty little desktop application. So if the mood ever strikes me to blog about something technical, I just fire up Live Writer, blog it, and click the Publish button. Oila! Instant blog entry.

Why in the hell was I blogging about my personal life any other way? And why in the hell was I putting myself through all the crap that comes with MySpace? I know better. Sometimes, I'm convinced that I intentionally put myself through that kind of thing through some deep-seated need to punish myself for sins committed in a past life.

So I'm wiping that slate clean. I'll archive all the old blog entries, and keep them for posterity's sake. Then I'll take the MySpace page down. But this is where I'll start blogging about anything and everything important to me. You'll hear me talk a lot about The Guy: he's the man my world revolves around. You'll hear me rant about politics, religion, gay culture, philosophy, and just about everything in between. You'll agree, disagree, and likely not give a shit from time to time.

I'm looking forward to starting this all over. And I hope that, once in a while, a reader or two will have the guts to voice an opinion. Like it? Hate it? Don't care? Fine. But say something.

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